Ofertowane części są oryginalne , nowe fabrycznie z roczną gwarancją i pochodzą bezpośrednio z oficjalnej sieci dystrybucji producenta.
Na żądanie mogą być oferowane części regenerowane lub wykonana profesjonalna naprawa.
Wiążące ceny ofertowe są przedstawiane w formie pisemnej pocztą elektroniczna na zapytania złożone wyłącznie drogą elektroniczną . Nie udzielamy telefonicznie informacji cenowych.
Komponenty producenta mogą być dostarczane wyłącznie końcowym użytkownikom na obszarze RP ( Polska ).
Nie eksportujemy urządzeń poza obszar Unii Europejskiej.
Prosimy o ceny pytać pod adresem lub korzystać z automatycznego systemu zapytań klikając na kod produktu i następnie na ikonę przedstawiającą kopertę.
Firma Ferrox Electric nie jest oficjalnym dystrybutorem producenta. Wykorzystane znaki , literatura , nazwy własne należą wyłącznie do producenta i są wykorzystane wyłącznie w celach informacyjnych.
The trade offers are presented by our company in written form by e-mail correspondence in response to a inquiry send to us by e-mail. We do not provide price information during telephone calls.
Please inquire using our e-mail address or using the automatic inquiry option clicking on the product code and following to this on the envelope icon.
Unless specifically stated Industrial Ferrox Electric is not approved or sanctioned by any manufacturer or trademark listed. We are not an authorized distributor, reseller or representative for any manufacturer listed on the website. Designated trademarks, brand names, literature, images and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Used characters , names, literature and images are purely illustrative and informative.
Our company does not export any parts outside the European Union.
Podane ceny nie zawierają podatku VAT. Waluta cennika: PLN
A-3 / A-3 Option dedicated to thrubeam type
A-4 / A-4 Slit for thrubream type and Polarization filter
AH-110 / AH-110 Sensor Head
AH-114 / AH-114 Sensor Head
AH-290 / AH-290 Sensor Head
AH-303A / AH-303A Sensor Head
AH-305 / AH-305 Sensor Head
AH-308 / AH-308 Sensor Head
AH-416 / AH-416 Sensor Head
AH-422 / AH-422 Sensor Head
AH-614A / AH-614A Sensor Head
AH-809 / AH-809 Sensor Head
AI-1000 / AI-1000 Built-in Amplifier Model: 50mm
AI-1000C / AI-1000C Built-in Amplifier Model: 100mm
AI-B050 / AI-B050 Built-in Amplifier Model: 160mm
AI-B100 / AI-B100 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 10 mm
AI-B160 / AI-B160 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 20 mm
AI-D16B / AI-D16B Dome Attachment for AI-B: Large
AI-D16H / AI-D16H Dome Attachment for AI-H: Large
AI-D32B / AI-D32B Polarized Light Filter Attachment for AI-H010/020
AI-D32H / AI-D32H Polarized Light Filter Attachment for AI-B050/100
AI-F01H / AI-F01H Polarized Light Filter Attachment for AI-H050/100
AI-F05B / AI-F05B Polarized Light Filter Attachment for AI-B160
AI-F05H / AI-F05H Polarized Light Filter Attachment for AI-H160
AI-F10B / AI-F10B Vertical Mounting Bracket for AI-H010/020
AI-F10H / AI-F10H Rear Mounting Bracket for AI-H010/020
AI-H010 / AI-H010 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 50 mm
AI-H020 / AI-H020 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 100 mm
AI-H050 / AI-H050 Separate Amplifier Model: Sensor Head, 160 mm
AI-H100 / AI-H100 M8 - loose lead cable: 2 m
AI-H160 / AI-H160 M8 - loose lead cable: 10 m
AP-10S / AP-10S Sensor Head, Compound-pressure Type, ?100 kPa
AP-10SK / AP-10SK Sensor Head, Compound-pressure Type, ?100 kPa
AP-11S / AP-11S Sensor Head, Negative-pressure Type, -100 kPa
AP-11SK / AP-11SK Sensor Head, Negative-pressure Type, -100 kPa
AP-12S / AP-12S Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa
AP-12SK / AP-12SK Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa
AP-13S / AP-13S Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 1 MPa
AP-13SK / AP-13SK Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 1 MPa
AP-14S / AP-14S Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 10 MPa
AP-14SK / AP-14SK Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 10 MPa
AP-15S / AP-15S Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 20 MPa
AP-15SK / AP-15SK Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 20 MPa
AP-16S / AP-16S Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 50 MPa
AP-16SK / AP-16SK Sensor Head, Positive-pressure Type, 50 MPa
AP-31 / AP-31 Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-31A / AP-31A Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-31K / AP-31K Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-31KP / AP-31KP Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-31P / AP-31P Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-31Z / AP-31Z Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-31ZP / AP-31ZP Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-32 / AP-32 Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa, NPN
AP-32A / AP-32A Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa, NPN
AP-32K / AP-32K Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa, NPN
AP-32KP / AP-32KP Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa, PNP
AP-32P / AP-32P Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa, PNP
AP-32ZP / AP-32ZP Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 100 kPa, PNP
AP-33 / AP-33 Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, NPN
AP-33A / AP-33A Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, NPN
AP-33KP / AP-33KP Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, PNP
AP-33P / AP-33P Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, PNP
AP-33Z / AP-33Z Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, NPN
AP-33ZP / AP-33ZP Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, PNP
AP-34 / AP-34 Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-34KP / AP-34KP Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-34P / AP-34P Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-34Z / AP-34Z Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-34ZP / AP-34ZP Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-40 / AP-40 Amplifier Unit NPN
AP-41 / AP-41 Sensor Head: Negative pressure Type, -101.3 kPa
AP-41M / AP-41M Sensor Head: Negative pressure Type, -101.3 kPa
AP-43 / AP-43 Sensor Head: Positive pressure Type, 1 MPa
AP-44 / AP-44 Sensor Head: Compound pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa
AP-48 / AP-48 Sensor Head: Differential pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa
AP-A01 / AP-A01 Panel Mounting Bracket
AP-A02 / AP-A02 Panel Mounting Bracket
AP-B01 / AP-B01 Horizontal Mounting Bracket
AP-B02 / AP-B02 Wall Mounting Bracket
AP-B03 / AP-B03 Nameplate and Ceiling Mounting Bracket
AP-B04 / AP-B04 Diagonal Mounting Bracket
AP-B05 / AP-B05 Replacement Bracket for AP-C Series
AP-C30K / AP-C30K Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-C30KP / AP-C30KP Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-C30W / AP-C30W Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-C30WP / AP-C30WP Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 101.3 to -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-C31K / AP-C31K Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-C31KP / AP-C31KP Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-C31W / AP-C31W Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, NPN
AP-C31WP / AP-C31WP Main Unit, Negative-pressure Type, -101.3 kPa, PNP
AP-C33K / AP-C33K Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, NPN
AP-C33KP / AP-C33KP Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, PNP
AP-C33W / AP-C33W Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, NPN
AP-C33WP / AP-C33WP Main Unit, Positive-pressure Type, 1 Mpa, PNP
AP-C35 / AP-C35 Main Unit, Compound-pressure Type, 10 to -10 kPa, NPN
AP-C40W / AP-C40W Amplifier Unit NPN
AP-C40WP / AP-C40WP Amplifier Unit PNP
AP-N10 / AP-N10 Sensor amplifier: Single output type
AP-N10D / AP-N10D Sensor amplifier: Dual output type
AP-V41AW / AP-V41AW Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, NPN
AP-V41AWP / AP-V41AWP Amplifier Unit, Main Unit, PNP
AP-V42AW / AP-V42AW Amplifier Unit, Expansion Unit, NPN
AP-V42AWP / AP-V42AWP Amplifier Unit, Expansion Unit, PNP
AP-V80W / AP-V80W Amplifier Unit, DIN Rail Mount Type, Standard, NPN
AP-V80WP / AP-V80WP Amplifier Unit, DIN Rail Mount Type, Standard, PNP
AP-V82W / AP-V82W Amplifier Unit, DIN Rail Mount Type, Differential Pressure, NPN
AP-V82WP / AP-V82WP Amplifier Unit, DIN Rail Mount Type, Differential Pressure, PNP
AP-V85W / AP-V85W Amplifier Unit, Panel Mount Type, Standard, NPN
AP-V85WP / AP-V85WP Amplifier Unit, Panel Mount Type, Standard, PNP
AP-V87W / AP-V87W Amplifier Unit, Panel Mount Type, Differential Pressure, NPN
AP-V87WP / AP-V87WP Amplifier Unit, Panel Mount Type, Differential Pressure, PNP
AS-421B / AS-421B Amplifier Unit
AS-421F / AS-421F Amplifier Unit
AS-425K / AS-425K Amplifier Unit
AS-440-01U-AS-440-01 / AS-440-01U(AS-440-01) Amplifier Unit
AS-440-02U-AS-440-02 / AS-440-02U(AS-440-02) Amplifier Unit
AS-440-05U-AS-440-05 / AS-440-05U(AS-440-05) Amplifier Unit
AS-440-10U-AS-440-10 / AS-440-10U(AS-440-10) Amplifier Unit
BL-1300 / BL-1300 Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, Standard Type, Front Single
BL-1300HA / BL-1300HA Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, High-resolution Type, Front Single
BL-1301 / BL-1301 Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, Standard Type, Front Raster
BL-1301HA / BL-1301HA Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, High-resolution Type, Front Raster
BL-1350HA / BL-1350HA Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, High-resolution Type, Side Single
BL-1351HA / BL-1351HA Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, High-resolution Type, Side Raster
BL-1370 / BL-1370 Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, Long-distance Type, Front Single
BL-1371 / BL-1371 Ultra Small Digital Barcode Reader, Long-distance Type, Front Raster
CA-035C / CA-035C Environment-resistant 2 megapixel camera (Color)
CA-035M / CA-035M Environment-resistant 2 megapixel camera (Monochrome)
CA-200C / CA-200C 16? speed, environment-resistant 0.31 megapixel camera (Color)
CA-200M / CA-200M 16? speed, environment-resistant 0.31 megapixel camera (Monochrome)
CA-AD1 / CA-AD1 Plastic camera mount
CA-CH10 / CA-CH10 Flex-resistant Camera Cable 10-m for High Speed Camera
CA-CH10L / CA-CH10L Flex-resistant High-speed Camera Cable 10-m for Repeater
CA-CH10P / CA-CH10P High-speed Camera Cable 10-m for Repeater
CA-CH10R / CA-CH10R High-flex Camera cables 17 m
CA-CH10RX / CA-CH10RX Camera Cable 3-m for High-Speed Camera
CA-CH10X / CA-CH10X Flex-resistant cable (Extension 3m)
CA-CH17R / CA-CH17R Repeater high flex robotic camera cable 3m
CA-CH3 / CA-CH3 L-shaped Connector Camera Cable 3-m for High-Speed Camera
CA-CH3BE / CA-CH3BE Environment-resistant Camera cables 3 m
CA-CH3BEX / CA-CH3BEX Flex-resistant Cable 3-m for High-Speed Camera
CA-CH3L / CA-CH3L Flex-resistant Cable 3-m for High-Speed Camera
CA-CH3P / CA-CH3P High-speed Camera Cable 3-m for Repeater
CA-CH3R / CA-CH3R Camera Cable 5-m for High-Speed Camera
CA-CH3RX / CA-CH3RX L-shaped Connector Camera Cable 5-m for High Speed Camera
CA-CH3X / CA-CH3X Flex-resistant Camera Cable 5-m for High Speed Camera
CA-CH5 / CA-CH5 Flex-resistant Cable 5-m for High-Speed Camera
CA-CH5L / CA-CH5L Camera Cable
CA-CH5R / CA-CH5R Camera Cable 1 m
CA-CH5RX / CA-CH5RX Camera Cable 10 m
CA-CHX10U / CA-CHX10U L-shaped Connector Camera Cable 10 m
CA-CN1 / CA-CN1 L-shaped Cable 10-m for Repeater
CA-CN10 / CA-CN10 Flex-resistant Camera Cable 10 m
CA-CN10L / CA-CN10L Flex-resistant Cable 10-m for Repeater
CA-CN10LX / CA-CN10LX Camera Cable 10-m for Repeater
CA-CN10R / CA-CN10R Camera Cable 17 m
CA-CN10RX / CA-CN10RX L-shaped Connector Camera Cable 17 m
CA-CN10X / CA-CN10X L-shaped Cable 17-m for Repeater
CA-CN17 / CA-CN17 Flex-resistant Camera Cable 17 m
CA-CN17L / CA-CN17L Flex-resistant Cable 17-m for Repeater
CA-CN17LX / CA-CN17LX Camera Cable 17-m for Repeater
CA-CN17R / CA-CN17R Camera Cable 3 m
CA-CN17RX / CA-CN17RX L-shaped Connector Camera Cable 3 m
CA-CN17X / CA-CN17X L-shaped Cable 3-m for Repeater
CA-CN3 / CA-CN3 Flex-resistant Camera Cable 3 m
CA-CN3L / CA-CN3L Flex-resistant Cable 3-m for Repeater
CA-CN3LX / CA-CN3LX Camera Cable 3-m for Repeater
CA-CN3R / CA-CN3R Camera Cable 5 m
CA-CN3RX / CA-CN3RX L-shaped Connector Camera Cable 5 m
CA-CN3X / CA-CN3X Flex-resistant Camera Cable 5 m
CA-CN5 / CA-CN5 Flex-resistant Camera Cable 7-m for Extension
CA-CN5L / CA-CN5L Camera Cable
CA-CN5R / CA-CN5R Cable protector
CA-CN7RE / CA-CN7RE SD card 16GB for industrial use
CA-CNX10U / CA-CNX10U SD Card 1 GB (Industrial Specification)
CA-D02XE / CA-D02XE Flex-resistant LED Illumination Cable 10 m
CA-D10MX / CA-D10MX LumiTrax? illumination cable 10?
CA-D10MXE / CA-D10MXE Flex-resistant LED Illumination Cable 17 m
CA-D10PE / CA-D10PE For LumiTrax? illumination Extension cable 0.2?
CA-D10R / CA-D10R 2-branch Cable 1-m for LED Illumination
CA-D10X / CA-D10X LED Illumination Cable 2 m
CA-D17R / CA-D17R 3 m cable for light
CA-D1W / CA-D1W Flex-resistant LED Illumination Cable 3 m
CA-D3MX / CA-D3MX LED Illumination Cable 5 m
CA-D3P / CA-D3P 10 m cable for light
CA-D3R / CA-D3R 5 m cable for light
CA-D3X / CA-D3X 5 m extension cable for light
CA-D5MX / CA-D5MX LumiTrax? illumination cable 5?
CA-D5MXE / CA-D5MXE LumiTrax? illumination Flex-resistant cable 5?
CA-D5PE / CA-D5PE 10 m extension cable for light
CA-D5R / CA-D5R Wavelength Conversion Sheet A4
CA-D5X / CA-D5X Polarizing plate
CA-D5XR / CA-D5XR Polarizing plate
CA-DBB8 / CA-DBB8 Red Bar Light 82 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ►
Ofertowane części są oryginalne , nowe fabrycznie z roczną gwarancją i pochodzą bezpośrednio z oficjalnej sieci dystrybucji producenta.
Na żądanie mogą być oferowane części regenerowane lub wykonana profesjonalna naprawa.
Wiążące ceny ofertowe są przedstawiane w formie pisemnej pocztą elektroniczna na zapytania złożone wyłącznie drogą elektroniczną . Nie udzielamy telefonicznie informacji cenowych.
Komponenty producenta mogą być dostarczane wyłącznie końcowym użytkownikom na obszarze RP ( Polska ).
Nie eksportujemy urządzeń poza obszar Unii Europejskiej.
Prosimy o ceny pytać pod adresem lub korzystać z automatycznego systemu zapytań klikając na kod produktu i następnie na ikonę przedstawiającą kopertę.
Firma Ferrox Electric nie jest oficjalnym dystrybutorem producenta. Wykorzystane znaki , literatura , nazwy własne należą wyłącznie do producenta i są wykorzystane wyłącznie w celach informacyjnych.
The trade offers are presented by our company in written form by e-mail correspondence in response to a inquiry send to us by e-mail. We do not provide price information during telephone calls.
Please inquire using our e-mail address or using the automatic inquiry option clicking on the product code and following to this on the envelope icon.
Unless specifically stated Industrial Ferrox Electric is not approved or sanctioned by any manufacturer or trademark listed. We are not an authorized distributor, reseller or representative for any manufacturer listed on the website. Designated trademarks, brand names, literature, images and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Used characters , names, literature and images are purely illustrative and informative.
Our company does not export any parts outside the European Union.