Ofertowane części są oryginalne , nowe fabrycznie z roczną gwarancją i pochodzą bezpośrednio z oficjalnej sieci dystrybucji producenta.
Na żądanie mogą być oferowane części regenerowane lub wykonana profesjonalna naprawa.
Wiążące ceny ofertowe są przedstawiane w formie pisemnej pocztą elektroniczna na zapytania złożone wyłącznie drogą elektroniczną . Nie udzielamy telefonicznie informacji cenowych.
Komponenty producenta mogą być dostarczane wyłącznie końcowym użytkownikom na obszarze RP ( Polska ).
Nie eksportujemy urządzeń poza obszar Unii Europejskiej.
Prosimy o ceny pytać pod adresem lub korzystać z automatycznego systemu zapytań klikając na kod produktu i następnie na ikonę przedstawiającą kopertę.
Firma Ferrox Electric nie jest oficjalnym dystrybutorem producenta. Wykorzystane znaki , literatura , nazwy własne należą wyłącznie do producenta i są wykorzystane wyłącznie w celach informacyjnych.
The trade offers are presented by our company in written form by e-mail correspondence in response to a inquiry send to us by e-mail. We do not provide price information during telephone calls.
Please inquire using our e-mail address or using the automatic inquiry option clicking on the product code and following to this on the envelope icon.
Unless specifically stated Industrial Ferrox Electric is not approved or sanctioned by any manufacturer or trademark listed. We are not an authorized distributor, reseller or representative for any manufacturer listed on the website. Designated trademarks, brand names, literature, images and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Used characters , names, literature and images are purely illustrative and informative.
Our company does not export any parts outside the European Union.
Podane ceny nie zawierają podatku VAT. Waluta cennika: PLN
1N4728A / 3.3V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4729A / 3.6V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4730A / 3.9V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4731A / 4.3V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4732A / 4.7V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4733A / 5.1V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4734A / 5.6V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4735A / 6.2V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4736A / 6.8V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4736AT / 6.8V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4737A / 7.5V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4738A / 8.2V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4739A / 9.1V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4740A / 10V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4741A / 11V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4742A / 12V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4743A / 13V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4744A / 15V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4745A / 16V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4746A / 18V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4747A / 20V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4748A / 22V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4749A / 24V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4750A / 27V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4751A / 30V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4752A / 33V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4753A / 36V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4754A / 39V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4755A / 43V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4756A / 47V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4757A / 51V, 1W Zener Diode
1N4758A / 56V, 1W Zener Diode
1N5221B / 2.4V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5223B / 2.7V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5226B / 3.3V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5227B / 3.6V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5228B / 3.9V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5229B / 4.3V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5230B / 4.7V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5231B / 5.1V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5231C / 5.2V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5232B / 5.6V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5233B / 6.0V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5234B / 6.2V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5234C / 6.3 V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5235B / 6.8V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5236B / 7.5V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5237B / 8.2V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5238B / 8.7V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5239B / 9.1V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5240B / 10V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5241B / 11V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5242B / 12V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5243B / 13V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5244B / 14V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5245B / 15V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5246B / 16V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5247B / 17V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5248B / 18V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5249B / 19V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5250B / 20V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5251B / 22V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5252B / 24V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5253B / 25V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5254B / 27V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5255B / 28V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5256B / 30V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5257B / 33V, 0.5W Zener Diode
1N5817 / Schottky Barrier Rectifier
1N5818 / Schottky Barrier Rectifier
1N5819 / Schottky Barrier Rectifier
1N5820 / Schottky Barrier Rectifier
1N5821 / Schottky Barrier Rectifier
1N5822 / Schottky Barrier Rectifier
1V5KE100A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE100CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE10A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE10CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE110A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE110CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE11CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE120A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE120CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE12A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE12CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE130A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE130CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE150A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE150CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE15A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE15CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE160A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE160CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE16A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE16CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE170A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE170CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE18A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE18CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE200A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE200CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE20A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE20CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE220A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE220CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE22A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE22CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE24A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE24CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE250A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE250CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE27A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE27CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE300A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE300CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE30A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE30CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE33A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE33CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE350A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE350CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE36A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE36CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE39A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE39CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE400A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE400CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE43A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE43CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE440A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE440CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE47A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE47CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE51A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE51CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE56CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE62A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE62CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE68A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE68CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE6V8A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE6V8CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE75A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE75CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE7V5A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE7V5CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE82CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE8V2CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE91A / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
1V5KE91CA / 1500 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors
2N7000 / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002 / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002DW / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002K / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002KW / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002L / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002T / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002V / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002VA / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2N7002W / N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
2SA1943 / PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
2SA1962 / PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
2SC5200 / NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
2SC5242 / NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor
4N25M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N26M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N27M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N28M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N35M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N36M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N37M / 6-Pin DIP Package Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
4N38M / 6-pin DIP High Voltage Phototransistor Output Optocoupler
74AC14 / Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Input
74AC32 / Quad 2-Input OR Gate
74AC86 / Quad 2-input Exclusive-OR Gate
74ACT14 / Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Input
74ACT240 / Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs
74ACT32 / Quad 2-Input OR Gate
74ALVC16245 / Low Voltage 16-Bit Bidirectional Transceiver with 3.6V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs
74LCX04 / Low Voltage Hex Inverter with 5 V Tolerant Inputs
74LCX06 / Low Voltage Hex Inverter/Buffer with Open Drain Outputs
74LCX07 / Low Voltage Hex Buffer with Open Drain Outputs
74LCX125 / Low Voltage Quad Buffer with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs
74LCX126 / Low Voltage Quad Buffer with 5V tolerant Inputs and Outputs
74LCX14 / Low Voltage Hex Inverter with 5V Tolerant Schmitt Trigger Inputs
74LCX16240 / Low Voltage 16-Bit Inverting Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs/Outputs
74LCX16244 / Low Voltage 16-Bit Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs
74LCX240 / Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs
74LCX244 / Low Voltage Buffer/Line Driver with 5V Tolerant Inputs and Outputs
74LCX32 / Low Voltage Quad 2-Input OR Gate with 5V Tolerant Inputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ►
Ofertowane części są oryginalne , nowe fabrycznie z roczną gwarancją i pochodzą bezpośrednio z oficjalnej sieci dystrybucji producenta.
Na żądanie mogą być oferowane części regenerowane lub wykonana profesjonalna naprawa.
Wiążące ceny ofertowe są przedstawiane w formie pisemnej pocztą elektroniczna na zapytania złożone wyłącznie drogą elektroniczną . Nie udzielamy telefonicznie informacji cenowych.
Komponenty producenta mogą być dostarczane wyłącznie końcowym użytkownikom na obszarze RP ( Polska ).
Nie eksportujemy urządzeń poza obszar Unii Europejskiej.
Prosimy o ceny pytać pod adresem lub korzystać z automatycznego systemu zapytań klikając na kod produktu i następnie na ikonę przedstawiającą kopertę.
Firma Ferrox Electric nie jest oficjalnym dystrybutorem producenta. Wykorzystane znaki , literatura , nazwy własne należą wyłącznie do producenta i są wykorzystane wyłącznie w celach informacyjnych.
The trade offers are presented by our company in written form by e-mail correspondence in response to a inquiry send to us by e-mail. We do not provide price information during telephone calls.
Please inquire using our e-mail address or using the automatic inquiry option clicking on the product code and following to this on the envelope icon.
Unless specifically stated Industrial Ferrox Electric is not approved or sanctioned by any manufacturer or trademark listed. We are not an authorized distributor, reseller or representative for any manufacturer listed on the website. Designated trademarks, brand names, literature, images and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Used characters , names, literature and images are purely illustrative and informative.
Our company does not export any parts outside the European Union.